How Black Pepper Helps During Flu Season

Do you dread cold and flu season?

For many people, the start of winter can be a miserable time. If your immune system is weak, it’s easy to pick up germs which can develop into nasty colds. there’s plenty of medication out there to treat the symptoms of the flu and colds, the best treatment might actually be in your cupboard.

Black pepper is known to have powerful cold-fighting properties. Not only is it great for the immune system, but it’s also known to help with a wide range of other ailments too.

Here, you’ll discover how black pepper helps during flu season. You’ll also learn more about the other awesome health benefits this powerful spice can deliver.

How can black pepper help during flu season?

Black pepper contains a high level of anti-inflammatory, as well as antibacterial properties. It is these which prove useful in the treatment and prevention of colds and the flu.

Regular consumption of black pepper can help to fight off infections and boost the immune system. It contains an especially high amount of Vitamin C – a crucial vitamin in the treatment of colds.

Another great benefit of black pepper is that it can help to alleviate congestion. A common symptom of colds and the flu is chest congestion. So, even if it’s too late to use black pepper to prevent a cold, you can still use it to help alleviate the symptoms.

How can you use it?

Now you know the benefits black pepper can deliver during flu season, the question is how do you use it?

There are numerous ways you can use this spice to prevent and help to treat a cold. If you’re already fighting a cold, you could try mixing black pepper with honey. This is especially great for suppressing a cough and it’s been used in Indian medicine for centuries. You’ll need to crush up the peppercorns and mix it with a little honey for maximum benefits.

Another way of using black pepper to combat colds is to add half a teaspoon to a cupful of water. Add in some ground tulsi leaves and half a teaspoon of chopped ginger. You should aim to drink it at lukewarm temperature. If you’re not keen on the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey.

Are there any side effects?

In terms of using black pepper in cooking, there aren’t any side effects to be aware of. However, if you’ll be taking black pepper supplements, you’ll want to stick to ones with a strength of 5mg to 20mg.

If you take higher strength supplements, it can lead to numerous side effects such as:

  • Burning sensation in the throat
  • High absorption of medication

These are the only two potential side effects you’ll need to worry about. However, they only occur when you’re taking a very high daily dosage of black pepper.

What other ailments does black pepper help with?

As well as helping to fight off colds and flu, black pepper can also potentially help with other ailments such as:

Simply making sure you consume a good level of black pepper on a daily basis can help to prevent colds and flu in the first place. However, if you do develop a cold, you can use supplements or more potent black pepper remedies to eliminate the symptoms.

The health benefits of black pepper are spectacular. Considering it’s one of the cheapest and easiest spices to use, it makes sense to start using it to boost the immune system. This is just one of many common spices which can provide great health benefits.

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